DBA: The website of MySportWeb.com is owned and operated by Kemper Tech, Inc. MySportWeb is located in Chicago, IL - USA, operating under US Central Time (UTC/GMT -6 hours... in compliance with Daylight Saving Time). MySportWeb was established in 2002.
Services: MySportWeb is the website of choice for posting and managing sport statistics and related sporting activities through our interactive web pages. Services are designed based upon user suggestions and popular demand. Some services have small registration fees, which help cover the cost of development, maintenance, support and server usage. All services are provided with a free trial period, with no obligation to users. Usage of services requires a valid email address, User ID & Password. Unauthorized usage is strictly prohibited.
Customer Service: You can quickly reach us 24 hours a day / 7 days a week through our "Contact US" link (click button in the left-hand column).
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